The Get Ready Money Podcast with Janine Firpo: Invest In Alignment With Your Values
May 22, 2024
🙌 On the latest episode of The Get Ready Money Podcast, I spoke with Janine Firpo, co-founder of Invest for Better and author of Motivate Your Money about changing the way we think about money and investing in alignment with our values.
🧐 In this episode we discussed:
👉Transform your thinking: you can invest your money and grow your wealth in ways that give you the world you want to see.
👉 Why you need to create an Investment Policy Statement.
👉Where we collectively put our money has an impact.
👉The sooner you start investing, the better you will be.
👉How Invest for Better Empowers Women
🎥 Watch this episode below:
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Activate Your Money: Invest to Grow Your Wealth and Build a Better World (Amazon)
Janine Firpo is the Co-Founder, Invest for Better. Janine is a seasoned values-aligned investor and social innovator, with a long history of working at the intersection of women and their money. From the early years of Apple Computer to senior positions with Hewlett-Packard, the World Bank, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Janine has always found herself making an impact. In 2017 she left a successful 35-year career in technology and international development to focus on how women can create a more just and equitable society through their financial investments. Her book, Activate Your Money: Invest to Grow Your Wealth and Build a Better World, a collaborative effort that involved almost 150 women (and a few men) was published in May 2021 by Wiley. Later that year, Janine co-founded Invest For Better, a non-profit organization that helps women invest their money in ways that align with their values.